
Welcome to the March edition of In Your Vicinity 


The mornings and evening s are now getting lighter as we go to and from work, the cold winter months are now behind us, and yet again it has just been consistently wet. The days of heavy prolonged snow and weeks of freezing temperatures just don’t seem to happen nowadays, although it is known we could have some snow showers during March. At the end of this month on Sunday March 30th, the clocks go forward to give us that extra daylight in the evenings. For many people Spring has now started, as bulbs start to grow and flower.

The F.1 season commences in Melbourne, Australia on March 16th and the following week on the 23rd it moves to Shanghai, China. Horse racing has it biggest race event with the Cheltenham Festival beginning Tuesday March 11th until Friday 14th, where more than 60,000 attend each day. The Football League Cup Final between Liverpool and Newcastle takes place on the Sunday March 16th, and the Six Nations comes to a fi nish and it’s a close fought title between England, Ireland and France who could win it this year.

Mother’s Day is Sunday March 30th so take the time to plan a luncheon treat, a visit, flowers or a gift for your mum. St.Patricks Day is Monday March 17th, so many events will be taking place at the prior weekend, and we have Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day on March 4th. It has now been three years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine occurred and the on-going war began, hopefully an end can soon be resolved.

Are you a business that is looking and needs to increase sales and local awareness for the Spring & Summer, or do you need to promote an event for the start of 2025? Please contact us and we can help your business achieve more sales and enquiries. Prices are very competitive and can be from as little as just £1 per day!

Contact ‘IN YOUR VICINITY’- 01933 650588 to get your BUSINESS noticed and included in the next edition. With a total distribution of over 30,000 – don’t miss out on the fantastic advertising rates currently available; nearly 20 years this publication has been in production and helped many businesses with their sales and marketing – go on – give it a go!

You can call us on 01933 650588 or Email: info@inyourvicinity.co.uk or visit us at www.inyourvicinity.co.uk